Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is transforming lives, offering a non-surgical solution to hair loss with immediate results. Imagine waking up every morning to a perfectly styled, worry-free hairline that defies the test of time and hair loss. 

SMP is a tailor-made solution for individuals struggling with male pattern baldness, thinning hair, alopecia, receding hairlines and FUE/FUT scarring from hair transplant procedures. Whether you want to add density to thinning areas or would like a more defined hairline, SMP could be the solution you're searching for.

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

SMP is a non-surgical alternative to hair loss done with a tattoo machine. It is a superficial cosmetic tattoo that gives the illusion of a close buzz cut hairstyle on a bald person or the illusion of more density to a thinning crown or part line.

It is considered semi-permanent because it will fade out naturally over time but can still last up to 8 years. With proper care and a refresh appointment every 5 to 6 years, scalp micropigmentation can last a lifetime. 

Who is Scalp Micropigmentation For?

SMP is for anyone experiencing hair loss, regardless of age or gender. It is a great option for individuals who are not candidates for hair transplant surgery but are looking for a non-invasive solution to hair loss. Or those who have had past FUE hair transplant surgery that left them with visible scars, this can be done afterwards to blend their FUE scars.

The treatment can create the appearance of thicker hair in people with:

  • Male pattern baldness

  • Female pattern baldness

  • Alopecia

  • Thinning hair or scalp show-through

  • Scars on the scalp

Benefits of SMP

  • Immediate results: Unlike other hair loss treatments, SMP provides immediate and noticeable results after just one session.

  • Cost-effective: Compared to hair transplant surgery, SMP is a more affordable option for those looking to address their hair loss.

  • Low-maintenance: Once the treatment is complete, there is little maintenance required besides an occasional refresh appointment every 5 to 6 years.

  • Safe and non-invasive: Unlike surgical procedures, SMP is a non-invasive and safe treatment with no recovery time needed.

  • Customizable: The pigments used in SMP can be customized to match your hair color and desired look, providing a natural appearance.

Scalp Micropigmentation Procedure

At your free 30-minute in-person or virtual consultation, we will discuss your hair loss concerns, desired results and any questions you may have about the procedure. We will also discuss how long the procedure will take and give you an estimate of the cost. If you are a suitable candidate, we will book you an appointment and provide instructions on how to prepare.

Preparing for Treatment Day

Make sure to clear your schedule for the day. Bring lots of things to entertain you like headphones, an iPad, laptop or a book. You may also want to bring snacks and a blanket.

Make sure your hair and scalp are clean the day of your appointment. You should not have any products in your hair.

If you are a male that is completely bald, you should be freshly shaved on the day of the appointment.

For male and female clients, if you are not doing the entire scalp, i.e.a receding hairline, the crown of the head or part line, you do not need to shave your head.

Treatment Day

On the treatment day, we will again confirm the area to be treated and map it out. Once you are satisfied with the outline, we will begin by choosing the pigment.

Pigment Selection

We will choose a pigment based on the undertone of your skin and existing hair colour. Since we are mimicking the hair follicle, we will choose a colour that is darker than your natural colour since hair is darker at the follicular level.

We use pigments that are made in the USA. The ingredients are FDA-approved and are designed specifically for this procedure.

*Note: The colour will gradually fade over time, but many do not need a touch up or refresh for 3–5 years.

Procedure Details

We do not typically numb for this procedure as it is not considered to be painful. The pigment is implanted superficially into the scalp to prevent “blowout” or pigment migration. Many describe the sensation as a mild irritation. However, in cases of extreme sensitivity, we can apply numbing as needed upon request.

The treatment is done using a tattoo gun with small, thin needles. Tiny dots of pigment are deposited on the scalp. These dots give the illusion of thicker hair.

For individuals who are completely bald, we can create a hairline that compliments your facial structure and age. The dots of pigment will look like a close buzz cut hairstyle.

*Note: If your hair is thinning or receding, you may need to come back sooner to add on as the area continues to recede/more hair loss occurs. 

SMP Aftercare

Once your treatment is complete, you can return to your normal activities right away. Aftercare is quite simple:

  • Many like to bring a new/clean hat that will loosely cover the area.

  • Avoid direct sunlight exposure.

  • Although you want to keep the area clean, we advise that you refrain from washing the hair for 3 days post procedure.

  • Avoid hair products, such as dry shampoo, for 7 days post treatment.

  • From day 3-7 you may resume brief hair washes, but we still ask that you avoid scrubbing or scratching the scalp and be careful when brushing your hair.

  • Avoid excessive heat styling products such as blow dryers for the week following your treatment.

  • If the area is itchy or needs cleansing, mist Bactine on the area and blot it with a dry cotton round. 

The tattooed “hair follicles” will look quite dark, bold, and defined at first, but they will gradually soften and lighten as they heal. A touch-up is included in the initial price and is to be done within 4–8 weeks of the initial procedure. This will allow a gradual “building” up of the desired density, which allows us to keep things looking natural. If a 3rd touch up is desired, additional product costs would be applied. 

Scalp Micropigmentation in Calgary

If you are searching for scalp micropigmentation in Calgary or scalp micropigmentation near me, look no further than The Beauty Block. Our talented permanent makeup artists specialize in SMP and have years of experience helping clients achieve natural-looking hair density.

Contact us today to book your consultation and start your journey towards thicker, fuller hair! Call 587.432.3030 or book online. We are located just a couple of minutes north of downtown at #102, 1409 Edmonton Trail, Calgary, AB.



Is scalp micropigmentation safe?

Yes, SMP is considered safe when performed by a trained and experienced practitioner. The pigments used are specifically designed for SMP and are typically well-tolerated by the skin. However, as with any procedure, there's a small risk of infection if the treated area isn't properly cared for post-treatment, or if the equipment used isn't sterile.

Does scalp micropigmentation work if you already have hair?

Absolutely. If you have thinning hair, SMP adds the illusion of density. By carefully depositing pigment among the existing hairs, we can create a shadow effect that gives the appearance of a fuller head of hair. This technique is particularly effective for women experiencing thinning hair at the part line, receding hairline or men with baldness in the crown.

Is it SMP painful?

No, SMP is not painful. Our clients describe it as a mild irritation at most. However, everyone's pain tolerance is different. If you have a very sensitive scalp, a numbing cream can be used.